Hide and Skins
Brazilian leather industry, who has as main products Wet Blue and Crust leather made out of Brazilian and foreigner Raw material. Committed to delivery solution to its customers.
Vancouros invest permanently in new technologies and on quality control, having a specialized and qualified staff who is dedicate to deliver the best final product to the customers.
The company iniciated it’s activities as a Wet Blue bovine leather producer for the international market.
In 2005 amidst a new business expansion, Vancouros started producing leather prepared after the tanning process – also known as “crust” or “semi-finished” – which has undoubtedly a more specialized technical demand in order to attend the most diversified requests of today’s market.
Currently products being produced are: wet blue, leather prepared after the tanning process (“crust”) and WB drop splits.
Vancouros has a highly specialized and qualified collaborative staff, who guarantees the delivery of the best final product the customers. To achieve this level of excellence Vancouros has always upholded itself on the pillars of motivation and appreciation and the result of this philosophy is a life quality enhancement for our staff, who works committed maintaining a great quality control reflecting in a stable and good quality product.
Vancouros possesses today an industrial complex comprehended of high end technology with the most modern machinery besides its own laboratory in the pursuance of attending all of its techinal demands as well as running ever constant quality tests.
Vancouros understands the importance to have a harmonical relation with the environment, in a way that it operates at the highest levels of sustainability, keeping permanent investment in new technologies and on scientific research, done together with Universities. This is done to guarantee the an efficient use of the Natural resources and energy, minimizing at most the ecological footprint, providing to our customers a reliable and lifetime support.
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