Launched in 1955, the Chanel 2.55 bag with its signature quilted leather, went on to become an iconic style and one of the most recognisable bag in the world.
Well made leather lasts a long time and unlike most man-made, or synthetic materials it gets better with age, acquiring a depth of patina and wear pattern that is individual to the user – much like a favourite pair of jeans. As we mindfully look for ways to lower consumption, leather very much fits with the ethos of ‘buy less, buy better’. Investing in quality leather products, is investing for the future.
Leather has long been a component of luxury goods, from covetable handbags to footwear and clothing. It has a distinctive touch and wear quality that cannot be replicated. As with all natural materials it creates a user experience that is more emotional, less functional.
That blend of luxurious touch, craftsmanship that lasts a lifetime and truly classic design is embodied perfectly in the Chanel 2.55 bag and this photo essay on Designer Vintage shows the steps that go into making one. For anyone interested in handbag design it’s a fascinating insight into the complexity, components and skill that go into making a bag that will likely go to become a family heirloom.